
Jeremy Rifflard 于1991年加入佛罗里达州消防队,是劳德代尔堡消防局的一名消防队长。他还是美国联邦应急管理局城市搜索与救援队(FEMA Urban Search and Rescue team,FL-TF2)救援分队指挥官;最近参与的救援行动包括海地地震和艾克飓风;Coral Spring地区公共安全协会建筑坍塌技术项目首席导师;在过去的15年间通过ATEC公司向美国军方提供城市搜索与救援训练。
若要使用绳索救援系统,首先必须保证伤员被安全固定在篮式担架中。篮式担架相较于单独使用脊柱背板,可以提供更加安全稳定的平台环境。篮式担架的周围具有可以让救援人员在移动过程中牢固抓握的横杆,这些栏杆还可以作为连接绳索装备的连接点;但并不是所有的救援篮式担架都适用于吊升救援,经验证,The general duty-rated篮式担架可以作为吊升救援的装备。技术救援小队通常将这类担架作为携行器材。
而当伤员将会穿过有高度落差或光滑的表面时,则必须使用更强的手段固定伤员。例如使用1英寸宽的管装扁带或制式的伤员固定系统。通常,可以使用一条扁带打一个项结(girth hitch)将脚部固定在担架末端。再利用一条扁带在伤员身前交叉形成三个“X”型,并在担架上靠近头部或肩部的安全位置使用卷结(clove hitch)把扁带固定到担架上。还应使用另外一条扁带制作一个半身安全带固定伤员,以限制伤员身体重心的转移。
图9, 随着拉梯逐渐倾斜,篮式担架逐渐离开建筑物
Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The LadderPivot Rescue
By Jeremy Rifflard
JEREMY RIFFLARD has been aFlorida firefighter since 1991. He is a captain with the Fort Lauderdale (FL)Fire Department. He is a rescue squad officer for the FEMA Urban Search andRescue team, FL-TF2. His most recent task force deployments were to the HaitianEarthquake and Hurricane Ike. He is the lead instructor in structural collapsetechnician programs for the Coral Springs Regional Institute of Public Safety.For the past 15 years, he has been an instructor and subject matter expert formilitary urban search and rescue exercises through ATEC Incorporated inJupiter, Florida.Do not attempt a ladder pivot unless youhave been trained on this technique. Practice is needed in using an 8-platelowering device to tie secure fire service knots and stokes basket packagingskills. With repetition, engine, ladder, and rescue companies can execute asecond-story rescue with a ladder pivot.
To begin rigging a rope rescue system, thepatient on the backboard is moved and secured into the rescue basket. Therescue basket creates a more stable platform than the backboard alone. Thisbasket has a rail rescuers can grab during movement. There are areas to connectrigging components; not all rescue baskets are approved for lifting. Thegeneral duty-rated basket is an approved lifting device for elevated victimrescue. Technical rescue teams often use the basket as their “go to” device.A person with a spinal injury needs to bemoved with minimal or no manipulation of the neck or spine. A backboard with acervical collar and spinal-immobilization device is often the best practice tolimit movement of the patient. If there is a small elevator or narrowstairwell, movement of the backboarded patient can be challenging. On certainoccasions, a technical rescue team may be called to bring the patient to theground. Waiting for a technical rescue response may take a great amount oftime. Many fire companies have the equipment and ability to execute the ladderpivot rescue; all they need is training.
On high-angle rescues, the patient must besecured in the rescue basket to prevent his weight from shifting from side toside. The shifting weight of a patient who reaches out to grab at something cancause the basket to tip. The patient can be secured with a seat belt attachmentif the patient is carried on level, stable ground.Nontechnical trained personnel can move thebasket when the incident is not a high-angle rescue. The basket has no movingparts and requires minimal training to carry it. Four persons can carry apatient in a basket on flat pathways.
If the patient will be moved across anelevation or a slippery surface, the patient should be secured with a strongerdevice, such as a one-inch tubular webbing or a manufactured patient tie-insystem (photo 1). The webbing can be girth hitched to the foot end of thebasket. Typically, a webbing will cross the patient three times in an “X” pattern and be finished with a clovehitch knot with a safety near the head or shoulder area of the basket. Thepatient may be secured with a webbing harness in addition to the “X” pattern to limit side-to-side weightshifting.
The Ladder Pivot
Before the evolution of the technical rescueteam, trained firefighters used a ladder pivot to move a patient from a second-or third-floor window or roof (photo 2). This is a basic technique thatrequires minimal equipment: rescue basket; a ½-inchstatic kernmantle rescue rope; a rated anchor rigging strap or similar device;five or more general duty-rated carabiners; two short tubular or flat webbings(about five to six feet in length); a rescue 8 plate or an extra-large offsetcarabiner as a lowering device; and a ground ladder that will extend just aboveyour departure point.
The rescue drill begins with the backboardedmannequin/patient being secured into the stokes basket with a webbing, waistharness, or similar device. With a webbing attachment, connect the backboardand patient to the basket. This will keep the patient inside the basket duringmovement. There are manufactured webbing and clasp systems to tie the patientinto the basket. These systems are very efficient; the patient can be quicklyremoved when four clasps or buckles are released.Survey the structure to find a window or roofthat is adjacent to the patient. This will be your departure point. The areabelow the departure point must be clear of obstructions that would interferewith a raised ladder’s tilting to the groundand of overhead electrical wires. If you have the departure point and aclearing below, a trained group can accomplish a ladder pivot rescue.
Anchor the basket system to a sturdy pointon the roof or inside the building. Whenever possible, strap the anchor on astructural component of the building. Wrap the anchor strap around thestructural component and carabiner the buckles (photo 3). Attached to theanchor strap is a lowering device (descender) such as an 8 plate or a MunterHitch on an extra-large offset carabiner. If a rescue 8 plate is used, load therope bight through the center hole of the 8 and over the end before attachingthe carabiner to the anchor strap (photo 4). Note: A bar rack is not a desirable lowering device because itadds too much friction.
Place a ground ladder against the buildingbelow the designated departure point. Raise the ladder with three to five rungshigher than the height of the basket’sdeparture point. Tie the halyard. Using two or more firefighters, place theladder flush against the building (photo 10). Secure two tubular webbings, eachabout five feet long, in a loop with a water knot (photo 11). Girth hitch theloops to a rung and beam one or two rungs above the roof or window level oneach side of the ground ladder (photos 12-13).After the anchor is rigged, place the ropein the lowering device and attach the lowering device to the anchor strap witha carabiner (photos 5-6). Tie the end of the rope with a double-loop figure 8knot with loops about 12 inches in length. Using a carabiner, attach one loopto each side of the head end of the basket (photos 7-8). Tension the rope toremove any slack.
One or two firefighters will foot the ladderon the ground. One or two other firefighters will walk down the ladder as arescuer lowers the rope from the departure point. Additional rescuers may haveto pull downward on the ladder to compensate for friction on the loweringdevice. The ladder and patient are lowered to the ground (photo 14). If thewebbings attached to the ladder are short, the basket will slightly head upinstead of move evenly. The basket will not lie flat on the ladder when itreaches the ground. This may make it difficult to remove the patient from thebasket. The preferred length of the two pieces of webbing attached to theladder is between six and 10 feet.
Guy Ropes
If the basket is coming out of a third-storywindow or from the roof, guy ropes may be needed for side stability (photo 15).The higher the ladder, the higher the center of gravity. If the 35-foot ladderis used for this drill, attach guy ropes: While the ladder is on the ground,place one guy rope on each side of the raised ladder tip. One person shouldhold each rope as the ladder is raised. When the ladder is being lowered, guyropes can be used to apply downward pressure to facilitate a level lowering ofthe patient.